The rare case of lipoma of posterior wall of the pharynx and parapharyngeal space
Journal Title: Polski Przegląd Otorynolaryngologiczny - Year 2015, Vol 4, Issue 3
The paper presents the rare case of lipoma of parapharyngeal space and oropharynx in 46-year-old man who came out suddenly while eating, giving the feeling of an obstacle in the throat. Preoperative diagnosis was based on a characteristic image of KT (low density, presence of capsule, lack of contrast gain and the use of fat suppression technique). The tumor was surgically removed in its entirety, from reaching the mouth. Emphasized the rarity of tumors of the weaving within the parapharyngeal space and throat, conditioned by a small amount of fat in this area, as well as the possibility of turbulent obstructive symptoms caused by the sudden disclosure of a tumor located deep in the tissues.
Authors and Affiliations
Katarzyna Nowak, Jacek Banaszewski, Witold Szyfter
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