The Real Issue: Nature’s Symphony of Macroevolution

Journal Title: Filozoficzne Aspekty Genezy - Year 2008, Vol 5, Issue 0


Author explains basic issues regarding controversy between intelligent design theory and Darwinism. He argues that the basis of intelligent design theory are scientific premises, not the religious ones. The controversy does not concern evolution as such but the Darwinian evolution (random mutations and natural selection) on macroevolutionary level. What is more, author points that intelligent design theory is not the only one to criticize Darwinism. The evolutionary developmental biology (evo-devo) is also critical about it. In his opinion, it is an additional confirmation of design theorists’ claim that Darwinism has serious explanatory gaps and that critique of Darwinism is of scientific, not religious nature.

Authors and Affiliations

Thomas Woodward


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How To Cite

Thomas Woodward (2008). The Real Issue: Nature’s Symphony of Macroevolution. Filozoficzne Aspekty Genezy, 5(0), 7-20.