The Relation Between the Entrance and Final Motor Tests Results and Somatic Parameters in Students of Physical Education at The Faculty of Physical Culture of Palacký University in Olomouc, Czech Republic
Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2004, Vol 14, Issue 28
The purpose of the work. In this study, which is the part of a larger project, we are concerned in the description of the general and athletic performance level as well as in the description of the physical education students’ somatic state. Apart from this we concentrate on two methodological problems: the reliability and validity of the entrance tests and measurements. Incorporating of the time standpoint is a new aspect. We are interested in the long-termed reliability (stability) and the predictive validity which reflects, beside chance fluctuation and measurement inaccuracy, interindividually different changes caused by training which the students undergo in the course of the first and second year of the physical education study.Material and methods. 11 motor tests were applied on the newly admitted physical education male (n = 131) and female (n = 113) students of the FTK UP Olomouc. The students also had to undergo the somatometric measurement required for the determination of a somatotype by means of the Heath-Carter method. After one year the investigation was repeated. The partial target of this investigation was to state the long-termed stability by means of the test-retest method (coefficient rstab). After two years from the beginning of the study 8 sports events were measured (8 events with men and 7 events with women). The sum total of the athletic octathlon (heptathlon) is considered to be the criterion of athletic performance. The term coefficient of the predictive validity indicates the correlation of the individual motor tests (as well as height, weight and somatotype component) with the criterion. Results and conclusions. The main target of this work was to determinate the coefficients of the longtermed stability and predictive validity of the chosen motor tests and of the somatometry parameters. The PE students differ from the common university population in the motor performance and also in their somatotypes. Long-termed stability of motor tests is much lower than the basic somatic parameters. The 100 m distance run appears as the best predictor of the athletic performance.
Authors and Affiliations
Vitezslav Prukner, Karel Mekota
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