The relevance of dry weight estimation by electrical bioimpedance in dialysed children and adolescents

Journal Title: Annales Academiae Medicae Silesiensis - Year 2017, Vol 71, Issue


INTRODUCTION: Electrical bioimpedance (BIA) is used to estimate a patient's dry weight. The main goal of the study was to assess the usefulness of BIA in evaluating dry weight in children and young adults on chronic dialysis, with relation to selected biochemical and cardiovascular parameters. An additional goal was to analyze the state of nutrition by means of BIA. MATERIAL AND METHODS: 17 children and young adults, aged from 6 to 24 years (mean 15 ± 3.5 years) on hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis, were examined. We estimated the arterial blood pressure, biochemical results, echocardiographic and bioimpedance parameters during the initial examination. Based on these results, modifications in the dialysis treatment were introduced. The follow-up examination was performed after 2 months. RESULTS: Arterial blood pressure values were significantly lower at the time of the second examination compared to the first one. The hemoglobin levels were higher after 2 months of observation. In the echocardiographic results, only the EF% improved. The Lin Tissue Indexes (LTI) and the Fat Tissue Indexes (FTI) were similar in both examinations. We observed positive correlations between LTI and arterial blood pressure and some echocardiographic parameters. CONCLUSION: The arterial blood pressure values were significantly lower at the time of the second examination compared to the first one. The hemoglobin levels were higher after 2 months of observation. In the echocardiographic results, only the EF% improved. The Lin Tissue Indexes (LTI) and the Fat Tissue Indexes (FTI) were similar in both examinations. We observed positive correlations between LTI and arterial blood pressure and some echocardiographic parameters.

Authors and Affiliations

Irena Makulska, Anna Medyńska, Dorota Polak-Jonkisz, Danuta Zwolińska


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  • DOI 10.18794/aams/69573
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How To Cite

Irena Makulska, Anna Medyńska, Dorota Polak-Jonkisz, Danuta Zwolińska (2017). The relevance of dry weight estimation by electrical bioimpedance in dialysed children and adolescents. Annales Academiae Medicae Silesiensis, 71(), 66-72.