The Religious and Scientific Life in Seljuks Period: "An Example of Sivas"
Journal Title: Marife Dini Araştırmalar Dergisi - Year 2016, Vol 16, Issue 2
The Religious and Scientific Life in Seljuks Period: "An Example of Sivas" Sivas which was conquered by Seljuks underwent an intensive construction activity by I. Alâeddin Keykubad. The Seljuk administration makes the city educational center. For the first time, large madrasahs were established. Religious, medical and astronomy were taught in these madrasahs. These madrasahs, which are made in the shape of a külliye, are opened to the public with mosques, imarets and sauces. At the same time, the Seljuk sultans gave great importance to the trade to increase the welfare of the people. Sivas thus advanced in the religious, political, economic, social and cultural field. In addition to this, The Seljuks are strictly adhered to the principles of Ahlu's-Sunnah wa'l-Jama'ah for the unity of Muslims. This commitment does not mean being closed to different beliefs and cultures. During Seljuks period in Sivas, religious groups such as Yesevîlik, Ahîlik, Babâîlik, Mevlevî continued to exist. Numerous scholars of domestic and foreign scholars studying the Seljuk period claim that religious tolerance and examples of cultural pluralism were seen in Seljuk time.
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