The results of VEN/frequency analysis of pharmacotherapy of patients with chronic gastroduodenitis in a healthcare institution of Kharkiv


Chronic gastroduodenitis (CGD) refers to diseases that have a medical and social importance due to the wide prevalence among the population, a tendency to relapse, the risk of complications, a decrease in the patient’s quality of life, the high overall cost of the disease. Aim. To assess the quality of pharmacotherapy: the frequency of drug prescriptions for patients with CGD in the gastroenterology department of one of the healthcare institutions in Kharkiv and their correspondence with the clinical protocols of medical care and the State Formulary of Ukraine (SFU). Materials and methods. The assessment of the quality of pharmacotherapy of patients with CGD was performed using of supplementary clinical and economic methods such as frequency and “formal” VEN-analysis. Results. When using the “formal” VEN-analysis it was determined that the majority of the medicines prescribed were recommended by clinical protocols for pharmacotherapy of the main (CGD) and concomitant diseases registered in the patients under research, and present in the SFU (93.75 % and 80.00 %, respectively). Based on the results of frequency analysis it was found that the medicines presented in these documents were prescribed in most cases (98.81 % and 89.63 %, respectively). Conclusions. The main directions of pharmacotherapy of patients with CGD in the gastroenterology department of one of the healthcare institutions in Kharkiv correspond to the clinical protocols of medical care for patients with CGD and concomitant diseases at baseline. The medicines recommended by the clinical protocols and present in the SFU constitute the vast majority of drug prescriptions. Therefore, in general, pharmacotherapy of patients with CGD in this healthcare institution in Kharkiv can be considered as rational from the clinical point of view.

Authors and Affiliations

O. O. Gerasymova, Ye. V. Ovsienko


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  • EP ID EP670439
  • DOI 10.24959/sphhcj.18.112
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How To Cite

O. O. Gerasymova, Ye. V. Ovsienko (2018). The results of VEN/frequency analysis of pharmacotherapy of patients with chronic gastroduodenitis in a healthcare institution of Kharkiv. Соціальна фармація в охороні здоров’я, 4(2), 70-75.