The role of education in venous thromboembolism prevention in obstetrics

Journal Title: Polish Journal of Public Health - Year 2009, Vol 119, Issue 4


Every year 50-90 thousand cases of venous thromboembolism (VTE) are reported in Poland. Pregnancy and puerperium are recognized as the main clinical factors making it more possible to occur. Physiological changes that appear in these situations create favourable conditions for abnormalities in circulatory system to develop and consequently the risk of illness increases five- or six-fold. The diagnosis during pregnancy is extremely difficult. Some typical symptoms may appear without any relation to pathological changes. In the prevention of VTE, heparin and physical methods are applied. They considerably reduce the disease frequency and possible complications but at the same time they do not infl uence the elimination of some key factors that cause the illness. Subject examination also plays an important role in the disease prevention, as it helps to identify risk factors and place a patient in one of the three risk groups. Early identification of threats and taking actions aimed at eradicating them are the main objectives of health education. Its goal is to provide people with knowledge and skills which are essential in adopting a positive health behavior. What is particularly important is focusing on those risk factors that can be easily reduced or eliminated. The study presents a significant role of education in reducing threats connected with VTE.

Authors and Affiliations

Krystyna Piekut, Bożena Kulesza-Brończyk, Dorota Piechocka, Sławomir Terlikowski


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How To Cite

Krystyna Piekut, Bożena Kulesza-Brończyk, Dorota Piechocka, Sławomir Terlikowski (2009). The role of education in venous thromboembolism prevention in obstetrics. Polish Journal of Public Health, 119(4), 442-445.