The role of hyperhidrosis and using powder dusts in tinea pedis ethiopathogenesis

Journal Title: Mikologia Lekarska - Year 2007, Vol 14, Issue 2


Introduction: Tinea pedis is a disease which is characterized by difficult controlling because of popular non-symptomatic carrier state, frequent reinfection possibilities and long term of survival of the mycotic spores inside the shoes and socks. The main challenge for tinea prevention is selection of persons with tinea pedis, avoidance of primary infection and stoppage the reinfection after the treatment. Decrease of hyperhidrosis, which may lead to the mycotic infections performs the crucial role in the tinea pedis prophylaxis. The aim of the study was to asses the role of hyperhidrosis and using of powder dusts in tinea pedis ethiopathogenesis. Material and methods: In 2000-2002 clinical tests on workers' group from one of Silesian coal-mines (97 coal-miners) and foundry (78 metallurgists), on sportsmen-students (49 students) and on hospitalized patients of Dermatological Department of Silesian Medical Academy in Katowice (43) were done. Groups were included due to criteria shown in the paper (267 persons). The study included history taking with filling in the questionnaire during samples taking and the mycological tests after dermatological examination. Clinical condition of skin feet and coexisting pathological changes of foot nails were evaluated. After proved skin and nail changes scrapings samples were taken. In all cases mycological cultures in Sabouraud medium were performed.The positive resultof mycological examination wasapproved by positive direct examination and positive mycological cultures. Results: In all examined groups, riskfactors of tinea pedis incidence was also hyperhidrosis. Constitutional hyperhidrosis (p

Authors and Affiliations

Grażyna Kamińska-Winciorek, Ligia Brzezińska-Wcisło


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How To Cite

Grażyna Kamińska-Winciorek, Ligia Brzezińska-Wcisło (2007). The role of hyperhidrosis and using powder dusts in tinea pedis ethiopathogenesis . Mikologia Lekarska, 14(2), 105-109.