The role of the cosmetologist in skin treatment and care in the process of rosacea

Journal Title: Kosmetologia Estetyczna - Year 2014, Vol 3, Issue 3


Rosacea is a disease with a not fully explained etiopathogenesis. Nowadays, the crucial causes of rosacea are changes in the blood vessels. There are four main types of the disease: erythematoteleangiectatic, papulopustular, phymatous and ocular. Therefore, schema of therapy and care should depend on the form, the stadium of the disease and the severity of symptoms. Pharmacotherapy includes usage of medicines, both locally and generally acting, but it cannot completely cure rosacea. However a combination of medication and skin treatments allows mitigation of disease, prolonged periods of remission and improving the quality of life of patients. The article presents the possibilities available to prevention in modern cosmetology, care and interventional therapy for patients with rosacea.

Authors and Affiliations

Izabela Owczarek, Bogusława Pietrzak


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How To Cite

Izabela Owczarek, Bogusława Pietrzak (2014). The role of the cosmetologist in skin treatment and care in the process of rosacea. Kosmetologia Estetyczna, 3(3), 201-206.