Journal Title: Вісник Дніпропетровського університету. Серія "Соціальні комунікації" - Year 2017, Vol 25, Issue 12
One of the main functions of the language is nominative, that is, naming of objects of the surrounding world. The mechanism of the language nomination - a constant inter-language process of responding to the emergence of new realities of reality – works primarily on the active development of the vocabulary as a set of self-sufficient linguistic units, denoting the objects of the environment. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the main criterion for distinguishing the phenomena of the primary and secondary nomination and their functioning in the journalistic style of the Ukrainian language. To achieve this goal, the following tasks are solved: the primary and secondary nomination in the aspect of the linguistic theory of the nomination is analyzed; the content of the concepts of the “primary” and “sec-ondary” nominations is delimited; two ways of displaying reality in the secondary nomination are distin-guished; the status of the secondary nomination as a nomination in the language system and as a textual category of journalistic style, that is, as a structural and functional element of the language of the media, is distinguished; general reasons for the emergence of the secondary nomination are under consideration. The distinction between the types of the primary and secondary nominations is related to their status as the units in the system of language and text, with the needs of communication in direct denotation of reali-ties of the real world or with the emphasis on the selection of those or other parties denoting. The secondary nomination qualifies as the provision of an object of another name with a different motiva-tion and with a certain special purpose. It is associated with the expansion or reduction of the previous name as well as its transformation. The secondary nomination is the carrier of the internal form of a new value, which is mediated by the content of its components. Social and emotional and expressive factors play an important role in creating the secondary nomination. The appearance of HH in the language is de-termined by their informative and figurative and evaluative properties. The primary and secondary nominations in the aspect of the linguistic theory of nomination and functional stylistics of journalistic works are analyzed. There is a distinction between the status of the secondary nom-ination as a nomination in the language system and as a textual category of journalistic style, that is as a structural and functional element of the language of the media. The reasons for the secondary nomination in journalistic texts are summarized. Materials of the research can be used in modern lingual didactics: for writing textbooks and textbooks on functional stylistics, lexicology, semasiology, special courses on journalistic functional style at the faculties of journalism, and also in lexicographic practice.
Authors and Affiliations
O. Terhanova
Особливості підготовки наукової періодики зарубіжними видавництвами (на прикладі журналів з імпакт-фактором)
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