The Shia Scholar Sharif al-Radi's Life and His Opinion on the Hadith
Journal Title: Marife Dini Araştırmalar Dergisi - Year 2016, Vol 16, Issue 1
The 4th century of the Hegira was a time period, Baghdad, the capital of Caliphate, had political and military troubles. The Shiite sect supported by the sultans of al-Buwayhīya was winning power, new Shiite areas were formed out of the district of Kerh. This situation seriously worried the Ahl al-Sunnah Muslims, sometimes grave events were happened when thousands of people died on both sides. This period during which the Shia increased its power, was the same one the basic four hadith sources have been completed in Baghdad. Many of the important Shia wises were educated in this period. Sharif alRadī (359/970-406/1015) trained by the Shia in this period, was known for the domain of Tafsir (interpretation of Qurān) Hadith and Eloquence with his works called Nahj albalāgha, Mejāzāt al-Qurān, and al-Mejāzāt al-Nabawiyya, was also as a famous poet. AlRadī established good relations with Abbasid caliphs and sultans of Buwayhīya, once he even had the desire of being a caliph. In this article, life of al-Radī, briefly the period he lived and his work on hadith will be approached.
Authors and Affiliations
Hikmet Gültekin
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