The state of Ukraine as a system and corruption as a systemic problem of it functionality
Journal Title: Проблеми законності - Year 2017, Vol 138, Issue 138
The article reveals the relevance of corruption in Ukraine. The expediency of using a system hike in the implementation of its prevention measures is indicated. The essence of the state of Ukraine as a system object is substantiated. The reform of the domestic anti-corruption system is an urgent task. His decision requires new scientific developments. The development of anti-corruption measures in domestic science was mainly implemented analytical and descriptive approach. We have the work on the basic principles of the system analysis of crime prevention, genetic and prognostic aspects of this activity, systemic factors of the lationization of criminogenic factors, and the extent of protected social relations. This gives grounds for arguing that the use of system engineering as a theoretical basis for the development of anti-corruption measures is warranted. In addition, the system approach is now approved as a priority methodology in preventing corruption in executive bodies and local self-government bodies at the normative level (in item 14 of the State Program on the implementation of the principles of state anti-corruption policy in Ukraine (Anticorruption Strategy) for 2015–2017. The purpose of the work is to minimize corruption in Ukrainian society. And the specific task is to justify the state of Ukraine as a system, where corruption is a systemic problem of its functionality. Specialists have no unity in understanding the notion of “system”. In our substantiation of the state of Ukraine as a system object, we consider it possible to recognize as obligatory those system features that are currently being agreed upon by the majority of system technician specialists: 1) the presence of structural elements, which together represent a unique reality; 2) the interconnection and interdependence of these elements; 3) the only purpose or appointment of system elements. The first systemic sign for the system of state Ukraine is confirmed by the fact of the uncertainty of state bodies. In the material aspect, social relations are actions or inactivity of people, in energy – transmission (spending) of different types of energy, in the information – the change of the essence and volumes of information. And it is the relationships that are those connections that combine the elements of the state system of Ukraine. The purpose of the state system of Ukraine can be outlined in accordance with Article 3 of the Ukrainian Constitution: the direction of the state’s activity determines human rights and freedoms. The systemic function of the state of Ukraine can be defined by the activity of asserting and securing human rights and freedoms, which is outlined in Article 3 of the Constitution of Ukraine as the main duty of the state. Guarantees (guarantees) of human rights and freedoms – the content of state activities in accordance with Article 3 of the Constitution of Ukraine. Corruption can be considered as a phenomenon that creates a problem of changing the normatively defined purpose of the state system of Ukraine – guaranteeing human rights and freedoms to antisocial – guaranteeing (providing) personal interests of corrupt officials. As a result, there is also a problem of obstacles to the realization of the rights of citizens, which in the sense of the system approach and in fact represents a problem of failure to achieve the goal of the state system of Ukraine
Authors and Affiliations
Валерій Оболенцев
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