The study of the pharmacological action of the dry extract from Prunus domestica fruits on the model of comorbid functional constipation in the combined alcoholic liver damage in rats


The search for the most effective hepatoprotective agents is a topical issue of modern medicine. As a rule, the plant raw material is a promising object for studying medicinal properties. Based on the literature data, we are interested in the horticultural crop of Prunus domestica, the family Rosaceae, which is sufficiently cultivated and attracts attention by its pharmacoeconomic component. Aim. In the previous experimental studies, the Prunus domestica extract containing fibers was found to have the laxative, hepatoprojector and probiotic effects. The foregoing facts provided an opportunity to study the Prunus domestica extract containing fibers for activity in comorbidization of some relevant pathologies and experimentally substantiate the prospects of its application as a medicine of choice for constipation in patients with pathologies of the digestive system. Materials and methods. The study object was the dry extract from Prunus domestica fruits containing fibers. The experiment was performed in stages. At the first stage, the experimental subacute alcoholic liver damage was caused in animals. At the second stage of the experiment, functional constipation was modeled in animals. In the course of subacute hepatosis and during the second phase of the experiment animals were introduced the test extract in the dose of 200 mg/kg and the reference drug – a hepatoprotector Silybor in the dose of 25 mg/kg. At the second stage of the study, a laxative Senadexin in the dose of 14 mg/kg was added to the therapy. All substances were introduced orally into the body of the experimental animals. To assess the motor activity of the intestine, the method of Sagar et al, modified by Choi et al., was used. The motor activity of the small intestine was determined according to the corresponding calculation formula. The functional state of the liver was assessed by the biochemical parameters in the blood serum: the total protein, urea and ALT activity. Results. The analysis of the experimental data has shown that the test extract exhibits a moderate laxative effect. In animals of the intact group, the relevant signs (a pronounced laxative effect) indicate the development of diarrhea, which is not an adequate solution to the development of constipation. When using the extract from Prunus domestica fruits during the whole period of the experiment the normalization of all indicators characterizing the intestinal motility was observed. The analysis of the experimental data has demonstrated that the phytoobject studied has a soft laxative effect, mainly due to the improvement of the intestinal motility. When studying the functional state of the liver against the background of the introduction of the extract studied the positive changes in the content of markers of liver damage (decrease in the urea concentration and decrease in the activity of ALT in the animal serum) were detected compared to the control pathology group of animals No. 2. Conclusions. The experimental data obtained on the study of the correlation mechanisms of the hepatoprotective and laxative activity of the extract from Prunus domestica fruits containing fibers indicate the presence of a soft laxative effect that occurs by intensifying the intestinal motility, as well as the pronounced hepatoprotective action. These effects of the extract studied were revealed when using it in the treatment of constipation against the background of the experimental subacute liver damage, thus not being inferior the effects studied in the complex application of the hepatoprotective and laxative reference drugs. The key conclusion is that the extract studied, in contrast to the reference drug Senodexin, does not cause signs of diarrhea in its laxative effect, which can be a distinctive, positive feature in further clinical studies. This herbal object can be promising and rational when using it with the single-stage complex therapy as a hepatoprotective and laxative agent in the treatment of comorbid conditions in gastroenterology associated with diseases of the liver and congestive intestinal phenomena.

Authors and Affiliations

Bashar Jabbar Ali Al-Sahlanee, D. V. Lytkin, I. V. Senyuk


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  • EP ID EP657856
  • DOI 10.24959/167342
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How To Cite

Bashar Jabbar Ali Al-Sahlanee, D. V. Lytkin, I. V. Senyuk (2019). The study of the pharmacological action of the dry extract from Prunus domestica fruits on the model of comorbid functional constipation in the combined alcoholic liver damage in rats. Клінічна фармація; Клиническая фармация, 23(2), 6-14.