The teacher as a role model as perceived by pupils and their parents
Journal Title: Problemy Współczesnej Pedagogiki - Year 2016, Vol 2, Issue 1
This article concerns the topic of the teacher as a role model, and presents the definition of this term based on the opinion of several different authors, and a studied group of people. This article addressed several types of “teacher as a role model” figures and further discusses the distinction, qualifications, and specific criteria of each category. Further, this article addresses the role of the teacher as a role model as it applies to the influence a teacher has in the teaching and learning process. This article shortly describes the group of studied people, the place of study, and the followings aspects adopted for the purposes of the conducted studies: the main problem, hypotheses and variables. Both pupils and parents’ views on the importance of the “teacher as a role model” have been shown, as well as the relation of positive and negative influence a teacher can have on the student body. The objective of the study was to gather necessary information about the importance of the teacher as a role model in the school environment, the role played by the role model in the teaching process, as well as its impact on the learning process of individual pupils. In addition to discussing the main problem, the main hypothesis and specific hypotheses have been formulated. Final conclusions that result from the analysis of the conducted studies have been described in the conclusion.
Authors and Affiliations
Michał Korbelak, Justyna Burkot
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