The Tripartite Trafficking


Present day human trafficking is said to thrive as a result of the enabling environment given to traffickers with three main attributes, firstly, a reservoir of poverty-driven communities, then a group or bunch of vulnerable persons and lastly, a little paid attention to human trafficking by governments. There is not much information related to trafficking tripartite activities in women and children for sexual exploitation, the study is a descriptive research with in-depth investigation rationally using secondary documents in trying to identify why human trafficking occurs in the contemporary globalized world. In addition, the findings show most of the basic components of human trafficking are in threefold and there is little information to this end. Thus, the study succinctly provides human trafficking definition, the main causes, characteristics, types, stages, categories and approaches all made up in three distinct parts.

Authors and Affiliations

Usman Mika’il Usman, Raja Noriza Raja Ariffin, Azmah Othman


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  • EP ID EP624537
  • DOI 10.6007/IJARBSS/v7-i11/3544
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How To Cite

Usman Mika’il Usman, Raja Noriza Raja Ariffin, Azmah Othman (2017). The Tripartite Trafficking. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 7(11), 1047-1061.