The use of CO2 laser in laryngeal cancer surgery
Journal Title: Annales Academiae Medicae Silesiensis - Year 2018, Vol 72, Issue
Lasers have now become a common tool used in human lives. They have found their application in numerous, unrelated disciplines. Implemented commonly in medicine, in laryngological practice it has become a tool used primarily in endoscopic laryngeal microsurgery. The CO2 laser is most commonly used in laryngeal microsurgery. In some cases the outcome of laser therapies is comparable to that achieved by means of traditional procedures – partial surgery through laryngofissure and radiotherapy. As a proved non-invasive method with a small number of complications, it has become elective surgery in stages T1 and T2 of laryngeal cancer. The benefits effecting from the use of a CO2 laser also include shorter hospitalization, quicker recovery, lower costs and no need for a tracheotomy or feeding tube. Such a method is far better accepted by the patients, which contributes to an improved mental condition and healing. If unsuccessful, the therapy may be combined with radiotherapy or external access surgery with a well-preserved anatomy.
Authors and Affiliations
Magdalena Marków, Łukasz Sańpruch, Patrycja Sańpruch, Wojciech Domka, Paweł Sowa, Maciej Misiołek
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