The use of mastication simulator in in vitro comparative studies in dental implant prosthetics

Journal Title: European Journal of Medical Technologies - Year 2017, Vol 14, Issue 1


In recent years, implant supported dentures have been widely used for missing teeth replacement. Such dentures are becoming increasingly popular with the patients. However, despite the fact that commonly conducted clinical and laboratory tests allow for the evaluation of wear changes in implant-crown assemblies, their results are difficult to compare. The in vitro research methods applied to date are characterised by a considerable diversity of simulation models of conditions occurring in the human oral cavity. Clearly, there exists the need to devise a test stand which would ensure the replication of research results. In order to carry out a comparative in vitro analysis of implant-abutment-crown assembly wear process, a specially designed mastication simulator was used. The device simulates long-lasting, cyclically changeable mechanical loads similar to those in the oral cavity. The aim of the project was to assess the usefulness of mastication simulator in research on implant systems. X-ray microtomography was employed to evaluate the wear of the specimens used. Research methods implemented by the authors of this paper have been shown to be effective in examining some causes of implant treatment failure

Authors and Affiliations

Agata Niewczas, Paweł Kordos, Leszek Szalewski, Dorota Wójcik, Ireneusz Usydus, Andrzej Bożyk


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How To Cite

Agata Niewczas, Paweł Kordos, Leszek Szalewski, Dorota Wójcik, Ireneusz Usydus, Andrzej Bożyk (2017). The use of mastication simulator in in vitro comparative studies in dental implant prosthetics. European Journal of Medical Technologies, 14(1), 48-55.