The valuation of the wall-earth fortress facilities – background of the problem
Journal Title: Architectus - Year 2018, Vol 22, Issue 4
There are many examples of the lack of knowledge about the types, functioning and principles of protection of fortification works – resulting in significant conservation errors in their revalorisation: the introduction of contemporary functions and architectural forms. Therefore, the basis for commencing investment works must be the objective valorisation of the existing objects: their authenticity, degree of preservation, etc. This text concerns this issue and signals the directions of conservation and design proceedings. The article was written as a result of original field and bibliographical research on the issue of architectural monuments valuation. The background to the problem of valorization of brick and earth post-fortifications objects has been drawn. On the basis of research: 1) historical forms of fortifications were identified and the types of building material from which they were made, 2) the remains of earth fortifications were identified as well as their degree and state of preservation, with particular emphasis on Fort Cze (Piłsudski), 3) the potential values of the discussed architectural heritage category were distinguished. At the end, a negative conservator’s example of the adaptation of Fort Cze (Piłsudski), conveying an untrue image of a historical object, was presented.
Authors and Affiliations
Cezary Głuszek
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