Three Rich Stalls discovered in Wrocław
Journal Title: Architectus - Year 2015, Vol 19, Issue 3
The paper refers to the three former Rich Stalls, which were found in the building located at Przejście Żelaźnicze 4/6 St. In the Middle Ages the Rich Stalls were an important part of commercial buildings of the intermarket block. Iron products, non-ferrous metals, paints, chemicals, wax, dried fruits and spices were sold there. The Rich Stalls consisted of 48 chambers of trade, arranged in two rows. Between the northern and southern row of the chambers, the Rich Stalls Passage was left, now called Przejście Żelaźnicze. The chambers of trade were facing this passage. During the renovation of the building at Przejście Żelaźnicze 4/6 St., fragments of medieval walls were discovered, preserved mainly in the walls between the former stalls. They were made of hand-made bricks with original finger traces in the Gothic thread. On the basis of earlier architectural studies of the Rich Stalls, it is known that the chambers were two-storey buildings with basements. The ground floors were covered with ceilings and could reach a height of 4.5 to 4.6 m. Presently discovered architectural and equipment elements were: relics of the oven that was located in the back of the third stall, the entrance from the stall No. 3 to 4 and one more opening, resembling a window, although located inside the building. It had a sandstone sill located at a height of 60 cm and a sandstone framing from the side of the stall No. 3. This feature was located just at the facade of the building and its stonework was structurally interwined with the stone portal of the entrance from the street to the third stall. The study shows that from the beginning the stall No. 3 was connected to the neighbouring chamber from the east side. Due to the simple form of lintels and their large sizes, their origin should be dated to the second half ot the 14th century. Comprehensive and detailed architectural studies were also essential for subsequent restoration works. The discovered relics, especially those of the stall No. 3, is the first example of preserved and partially exposed ground floor of a chamber of trade in Wrocław.
Authors and Affiliations
Małgorzata Chorowska, Teresa Dziedzic, Maciej Krzywka
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