Tissue engineered products for pediatric patients
Journal Title: Postępy Nauk Medycznych - Year 2011, Vol 24, Issue 12
Tissue Engineering, a new field of regenerative medicine, offers products for tissue regeneration obtained by means of cell culture, biomaterials and factors which stimulate tissue growth. Tissue engineered products (TEPs) are an alternative to the methods currently used for tissue regeneration, e.g. transplantation of autogenic or allogenic tissues, or implantation of synthetic materials.The need for tissue regeneration in children results from congenital malformations, traumas or defects caused by surgical intervention, e.g. tumor resections. One of the potential advantages of tissue engineered products over classical methods for tissue regeneration in children is related to the feature that implants obtained in vitro, after their implantation, should participate in the process of growth of the young organism (and a rebuilding of the graft is expected to occur). Therefore, no morbidity occurs, as opposed to the implant exchange otherwise conventionally performed due to the patient’s development.There are several tissue engineered products of bone, cartilage and skin on the market already. Research is carried out on launching other tissue substitutes on the market, such as vessels, valves or pancreatic islets. Many scientific reports are published about the experimental use of tissue engineered products in pediatric patients with TEPs made from autologous cells, biomaterials and factors stimulating regeneration and growth of the reconstructed tissue.The article presents basic information about tissue engineering, its methods and products already present on the market, followed by a description of the regeneration of skin and epidermis, pulmonary artery, bladder, urethra and bone reconstruction in children.
Authors and Affiliations
Joanna Wójtowicz, Katarzyna Walenko, Małgorzata Lewandowska-Szumieł
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