To the questions of estimating the efficiency of entrepreneurship in the Forbes rating “The best countries for business” (on the materials of the Republic of Uzbekistan)
Journal Title: Бюллетень науки и практики - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 3
Subject/topic. The article considers topical issues of assessing the business environment for doing business on the basis of the Forbs rating. Goal and tasks. To study the current state of the entrepreneurial climate for the successful conduct of business both in general and in the context of the leading countries of the world. To analyze the problems of effective state regulation of entrepreneurial activity on the example of the Republic of Uzbekistan. To study the causes and consequences of the occupation by the countries of the world of those or other indicators in the Forbs ranking “The best countries for business”. Methodology. In the study, using observations, statistical analysis, and purposeful monitoring of the Forbes magazine’s “Best Countries for Business” rating, various criteria were analyzed that affect the state of institutional and entrepreneurial environments. Results. It is proved that entrepreneurship meets the global tendencies to the formation of a flexible competitive economy, a combination of different forms of ownership and an adequate model of economics, in which a complex synthesis of a competitive market mechanism is realized. Based on this, the author made an attempt to study the problems of effective regulation of small business, institutional support of entrepreneurial activity in the Republic of Uzbekistan, the interaction of business with state power and other market institutions. Conclusions/significance. Based on a detailed study of the Forbs rating and the example of Uzbekistan, the author makes specific proposals for improving the institution of entrepreneurship and improving the business climate in the country.
Authors and Affiliations
Konstantin Kurpayanidi
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