Tourism Demand in Romania
Journal Title: Revista Romana de Statistica - Year 2012, Vol 60, Issue 3
This paper presents an analysis of the evolution and main characteristics of tourism in Romania from the demand side. The study is organized in two parts.The first part focuses on the holiday trips of at least one overnight stay. The approach is comparative, Romania being benchmarked against the EU-27 average. The analysis shows that the touristic demand in Romania has followed a trend parallel with the GDP curve as the touristic demand is strongly correlated with the level of population disposable income. The second part of the analysis refers to the same-day trips (with no overnight stay). Among the same-day visits of the Romanian residents, the domestic trips predominate by far. Main purposes include visiting relatives or friends, shopping, leisure and recreation (including picnic) or medical treatment.
Authors and Affiliations
Manuela Sofia STĂNCULESCU, Monica MARIN
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