Trade in Services and Income Inequality in Developing Economies

Journal Title: Journal of Business Thought - Year 2016, Vol 6, Issue


Withtechnologicalrevolution,tradeinserviceshasnowgainedalotofimportanceinthetradeliterature.Thispaperdiscussestheimpactoftradeinservicesonincomeinequality,focusinginparticularonthechannelsthroughwhichopennesstotradeinservicescanhaveanimpactonincomeinequalityindevelopingeconomies.ThepaperexplorestherelationshipbetweentradeinservicesandincomeinequalityindevelopingeconomieswithanemphasisonIndiawhichisbyandlargeaservicedriveneconomy.Itprovidessomeinsightsonthequestion-whyitisimportanttoexaminetheimpactoftradeinservicesonincomeinequalityseparatelyfromthatoftradeingoodsindeveloping economiesandhowthisimpactisdifferentinthetwocases.

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How To Cite

(2016). Trade in Services and Income Inequality in Developing Economies. Journal of Business Thought, 6(), 111-122.