Alternate history, the type of fiction which describes worlds in which history developed differently than in reality, is often depreciated as a subgenre of science–fiction. Yet Polish alternate history novels are in real...
This article is devoted to the apothegm understood as a literary genre. The aim of the article is to present the etymology of the very word as well as gather and organize the distinctive features of the genre by referrin...
Ksenia Olkusz (2018). Transfikcjonalność w literaturze - materiały do słownika. Zagadnienia Rodzajów Literackich, 61(1),
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Znaki (nie)pamięci. Teoria i praktyka upamiętniania w Polsce, red. Małgorzata Fabiszak, Anna Weronika Brzezińska, Marcin Owsiński
Historie alternatywne w literaturze polskiej: typologia, tematyka, funkcje / Alternate History in Polish Literature: Typology, Subject Matter, Functions
Alternate history, the type of fiction which describes worlds in which history developed differently than in reality, is often depreciated as a subgenre of science–fiction. Yet Polish alternate history novels are in real...
Dawny apoftegmat. Między historią, retoryką a filozofią / The Old Apothegm: between History, Rhetoric and Philosophy .
This article is devoted to the apothegm understood as a literary genre. The aim of the article is to present the etymology of the very word as well as gather and organize the distinctive features of the genre by referrin...
Praktykowanie pamięci (Mnemosyne. Pamięć jako źródło dzieła sztuki, pod red. Marii Cieśli-Korytowskiej i Jakuba Czernika, Wydawnictwo Avalon, Kraków 2016
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