Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету.Серія: Економіка - Year 2016, Vol 6, Issue 11
У статті проведено аналіз залежності між змінами цін на нафту і валютним курсом долара як основної міжнародної розрахункової одиниці на ринку нафти. Визначено канали трансмісійного механізму та проаналізовано макроекономічні ефекти цінової кон’юнктури на ринку нафти на платіжні баланси країн неттоекспортерів і нетто-імпортерів та їх економіки в цілому. The problem of rapidly falling oil price that has implications for the economic performance of oil exporters, oil importers, oil consumers and national economies as a whole is highlighted. The opinions concerning ambiguous effects of this price fall that may either give impulse to boosting rates of the global economy or trigger chain-like transformations at the currency market and the gold market, with the inevitable change in the disposition of both major and minor agents of the global economy. The mechanism for transmission of the effects of price fluctuations at the oil market on balances of payments and currency exchange rates of countries that are net exporters and net importers of oil is discussed from this perspective. The article contains analysis of macroeconomic effects for national economies of the countries that are net exporters and net importers of oil, resulting from the fall of global oil price. The correlation between change in oil price and exchange rate of dollar as the basic international unit of accounting at oil market is highlighted. The mechanism for transmission of dependence between oil price and currency exchange rate through the trade conditions channel and the welfare channel is analyzed. The analysis shows essential influence of oil price on change in trade conditions in part of elasticity of demand and supply, on the one hand, and transfer of welfare from oil importers to oil exporters, entailing change in the currency exchange rate in oil importing countries through deficit of the current account and outflow of investment, on the other hand. The effects of oil price dynamics for macroeconomic conditions of countries that are net exporters and net importers of oil are estimated by analyzing changes in their balances of payments and measures of monetary and budget policies, with account for stagnation processes. The controversial nature of the effects of monetary regimes in the above countries regarding the link of their national currencies to the American dollar and the degree of their economic dependence on global oil demand and exports is highlighted. It is emphasized that the countries that were pursing balanced macroeconomic policies and could create strong financial buffers in the years of economic growth, were more capable for maneuvering with political measures than the countries that had small or minimal reserves. The anti-cyclic fiscal policy is proposed for the latter group of countries, to mitigate the effects of oil price fall.
Authors and Affiliations
M. Rubcova
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