Транснаціональні корпорації як суб’єкти міжнародного договірного права / Transnational Corporations as Subjects of International Contract Law


Today in the scientific literature there is no unity views on defining the content of the "transnational corporation", its type form and legal personality. This is predetermined above for all, different approaches in the international legal regulation, in particular, in the framework of the UN and the CIS, as well as the lack of the only unified international legal act on transnational status. This negatively affects the applied actions and updates up-to-date following the problem. The legal literature does not produce a single approach to the nature of TNCs. Some theories proposed by various authors emphasize certain aspects of the activities of the TNC, without claiming to be full scale coverage of the whole picture of reality. Available synthesis attempts of various scientific concepts cannot yet be called up to the end of a slim and devoid of internal contradictions. All this makes it difficult to investigate the already complex problem of legal regulation of the activities of TNCs With the progressive development of international relations on the world arena, a new, but quite noticeable, entity is transnational corporations. With their appearance, the world has spread the practice of concluding international agreements between transnational corporations and states, it was then that scientists began to debate the legal nature of such treaties, in particular, such treaties in the field of regulation of public international law are limited to private regulation only. The question remains whether the transnational corporations can be considered subjects of international treaty law.

Authors and Affiliations

Yuliia Dziavun


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How To Cite

Yuliia Dziavun (2018). Транснаціональні корпорації як суб’єкти міжнародного договірного права / Transnational Corporations as Subjects of International Contract Law. Журнал східноєвропейського права, 51(), 206-210. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-628584