Treatment of bifurcation lesions with a bifurcation-dedicated stent Multilink Frontier™. Long-term follow-up of 50 patients
Journal Title: Postępy w Kardiologii Interwencyjnej - Year 2005, Vol 1, Issue 1
Background:Percutaneous interventions of coronary bifurcations have always been a difficult challenge, with a lower success and higher complication rate than most other lesion types. Methods: Fifty patients with symptomatic stable or unstable angina and with bifurcation lesions were treated with Multilink Frontier™ bifurcation-dedicated stent. In-hospital, thirty-day and nine-month follow-up data were obtained. Repeat coronary angiography was performed only in the case of recurrence of symptomatic ischaemia. Results: The device was successfully implanted in 46 patients. During 30-day follow-up there were no cases of death, stent thrombosis or Q-wave myocardial infarction (MI). In-hospital non-Q-wave MI was diagnosed in two patients. During long-term follow-up no patient died, there was one case of Q-wave MI, and five patients (10%) underwent repeat target-lesion revascularization because of restenosis. Conclusions: Multilink FrontierTM, a stent specifically designed for treating bifurcation lesions can be used with a high procedural success rate, and a satisfactory clinical long-term outcome.
Authors and Affiliations
Maciej Lesiak, Janusz Rzeźniczak, Jarosław Hiczkiewicz, Stefan Grajek, Małgorzata Pyda, Włodzimierz Skorupski, Przemysław Mitkowski, Marek Grygier, Artur Baszko, Andrzej Cieśliński
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Abstracts of original contributions: New Frontiers in Interventional cardiology