Trends of Innovative Development of Agricultural Business in the Context of Climate Changes
Journal Title: Oblik i finansi - Year 2021, Vol 1, Issue 2
Current state of the development of agricultural business is characterized by negative trends caused by the prevalence of extensive production systems and the reduction of investments into agricultural research, while the influence on the environment and natural resources is constantly increasing. Besides, climate change is one of the greatest challenges of the XXI century, which exerts a negative influence on social-economic and natural systems and requires the development of the ways for the industry to adapt to climate changes. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the main areas of innovative development of agricultural business in the context of climate change. System approach as well as the application of a wide range of general scientific and special methods make up the framework of the research. It has been established that climate changes directly affect the agriculture of the country that greatly depends on climate and weather conditions. The main tool to adapt agriculture to climatic changes should be the introduction of innovations resulting in its innovative development. The article also presents the systematization of the main directions of innovative development of agricultural business in the context of climatic changes: biological (new cultivars, hybrids of agricultural crops, new types and breeds of agricultural animals), technical and technological (advanced technologies in plant and animal production), chemical (fertilizers, plant protection agents, plant growth regulators), organizational and economic (business organization, management, and marketing), social (social development of a person), development directions of alternative energy (energy production from renewable sources), and digitalization (digit transformation of production processes).
Authors and Affiliations
Jacek Skudlarski & Alina Burliai & Ruslan Mudrak & Ihor Smerteniuk
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