Trepte and Eutyches - Roman slaves in Krakow (CIL VI 27389a)
Journal Title: Krytyka Prawa. Niezależne studia nad prawem - Year 2016, Vol 8, Issue 2
In the Princes Czartoryski Museum in Krakow there is a Roman headstone with the following inscription: For the best and most faithful wife (coniux) Threpte, well distinguished, put up by Eutyches, a slave of Atilius Agricola (CIL VI 27389a – 1st/2nd c. AD).They were probably slaves from Hellenized eastern regions. Eutyches is ex- plicitly described as a slave (EUTYCHES ATILI AGRICOLAE SERVUS), while Threpte’s status is clarified by her name, which is the Greek word for a slave, conceived and raised up in the family of a master (Roman verna). In legal terms, the only relationship they could enter was contubernium. Possibly, Atilius Agricola had two slaves whom he treated in a friendly manner allowing them to maintain a relationship; he also agreed for Threpte to be buried in a separate grave with an inscription. It is one of many texts suggesting cordial relations between slaves and Roman families in the early period of the Roman Empire. Interestingly, the ashes have remained in Roman soil, while the plate with the inscription has found its way to Krakow.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Marek Kuryłowicz
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