Journal Title: Studia Europaea Gnesnensia - Year 2018, Vol 17, Issue
Since the mid-twentieth century, there has been a discussion in the academy about “two cultures”: humanities and sciences and the so-called third culture. In this article I outline the history of this debate. I also present new trends in contemporary humanistic reflection: posthumanism and transhumanism, which are based on interdisciplinary research. I am also describing the projects and the output of several currents of contemporary art: robotic art, bio art and bio-robotic art.
Authors and Affiliations
Grażyna Gajewska
Kontrola siły roboczej w gospodarce kolonialnej Ameryki hiszpańskiej: encomienda, repartimiento i niewolnictwo
The aim of the article is to demonstrate how the system of forced labour developed within the Spanish colonial economy, a system that served what is termed workforce control. In this context, I analyse the structure of p...
Między ortodoksją, herezją a polityką, czyli niezbyt udana próba rekonstrukcji dziejów i poglądów Pryscylian.
Recenzja książki: Krzysztof Sordyl, Pryscylianizm. Teologia i historia, Wydawnictwo WAM, Kraków 2015, ss. 428.
Bourdieu, gender i rzymska dyscyplina wojskowa
rec. książki Sara Elise Phang, Roman Military Service: Ideologies of Discipline in the Late Republic and Early Principate, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2008, 336 s.
Poetyka (nie)wyrażalnego pożądania, czyli zarys historii powieści gejowskiej w Polsce na tle socjologiczno-kulturowym
The aim of the paper is to show the history of Polish gay novel and explain the very term. However, the essence of the research problem is not the history itself, but drawing attention to the need of adopting a multidime...
Obcy w Dacji.
Obcy w dacji. Rec. książki: Lucreţiu Mihailescu-Bîrliba, Ex toto orbe Romano: Immigration into Roman Dacia. With Prosopographical Observations on the Population of Dacia, Peeters, Collo-quia Antiqua 5, Leuven-Paris-Walpo...