Türklerde Milli Değerlerden Birisi: Ana Baba Sevgisi
Journal Title: Folklor Akademi Dergisi - Year 2018, Vol 1, Issue
Every nation has its own values and national culture in this context one of the oldest nations in the world, have many common values that merge and unite themselves, even if they live in remote geographies of the common values of the Turks, “love for mother and father”. in a general sense, but when it is considered within the context of a culture, it becomes a value specific to a culture as in the case of “love for mother and father” in the Turkish culture. Values are criteria developed by human beings since the early ages of their existence. These criteria can be national and universal as well as personal. For the Turks, under the concept of family, mother important value. In the traditional family conception of the Turks surviving from their steppe culture up to the modern world, “the mother and traditional form under the influence of the universal values of love and respect. The works of the history of Turkish culture has brought this culture up to present. In this connection, the current study is a qualitative study based on the literature review method. The following conclusion was reached at the end of the study: By the Turks, the mother father value is considered to be sacred value. This sacred value is handed down to future generations as sacred teaching by language and culture that are the integral part of a nation.
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