Układ części ogólnej postępowania nieprocesowego
Journal Title: Studia Iuridica - Year 2018, Vol 75, Issue
The article presents the problems of the arrangement of the part of general non-contentious proceedings (art. 506–525 of the Code of Civil Procedure of 1964 ‒ abbreviation: „c.c.p.”). The scope of this issue includes three issues: the structure (internal division) of this part; the nature of the provisions of this part and their order. Previously, in the Code of Non-Contentious Procedure of 1945, the general part of this procedure had an internal division and contained only general provisions. De lege lata, in the Code of Civil Procedure of 1964, the general part of this procedure has no internal division and also contains provisions that are not general norms. These provisions should be transferred to the part of detailed non-contentious proceedings (art. 526 et seq. of the Code of Civil Procedure).<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Andrzej Grzegorz Harla
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Spis treści / Содержание / Contents
Profesor Witold Czachórski, Osoba i Dzieło