The article is based on the first analysis of the archives of the Ukrainian Press Bureau in London (another name is the Ukrainian Bureau in London), yet unknown to experts in Ukraine and found by the author during his re...
The article analyzes testimonies and judgments made by Ukrainian dissident intellectuals and human rights activists from Donetsk region regarding the peculiarities and character of sociocultural processes, first of all –...
Discovering the Archives of the Ukrainian Press Bureau in London (1931—1939)
The article is based on the first analysis of the archives of the Ukrainian Press Bureau in London (another name is the Ukrainian Bureau in London), yet unknown to experts in Ukraine and found by the author during his re...
On Guard of the Mother Tongue. Life and Activity of Anatolii Pohribnyi
On Guard of the Mother Tongue. Life and Activity of Anatolii Pohribnyi
Ukrainian Dissident Intellectuals and Human Rights Activists on the State of Ukrainian Culture in Donetsk Region
The article analyzes testimonies and judgments made by Ukrainian dissident intellectuals and human rights activists from Donetsk region regarding the peculiarities and character of sociocultural processes, first of all –...
Long Tunnel with No Light at the End: Secondary School on the Terrain of “People’s Republics” during the First Year of the Russian-Ukrainian War
Long Tunnel with No Light at the End: Secondary School on the Terrain of “People’s Republics” during the First Year of the Russian-Ukrainian War
Winners of the 10th International Ukrainian Studies Contest for the 8th—11th Grade Students and Their Works
Winners of the 10th International Ukrainian Studies Contest for the 8th—11th Grade Students and Their Works