Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Історія. Політологія - Year 2016, Vol 6, Issue 16
У статті здійснено аналіз ролі українців в системі кадрового забезпечення військово-морського флоту збройних сил Російської імперії. Розкрито особливості підготовки офіцерів в провідних спеціальних військових учбових закладах імперії. Розглянуто їх професійні якості і талант, організаторські здібності до військового будівництва, які згодом були реалізовані в роки Першої світової війни та у процесі становлення українського національного військового руху. In the article it was the analysis of the Ukrainians’ role in the system of staffing of Navy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Empire. It was stressed out that description and characteristics of the Ukrainians’ role in the system of staffing of the Imperial Army has a great importance while studying history of Ukraine and military history of the developed European countries before and during First World War. Separate aspects of the investigated theme were depicted in domestic and foreign biographical reference books, memoirist and general and special publications on history of First World War (1914-1918) and events relevant to the national liberation struggle of Ukrainians in 1917-1921. Nevertheless, any special research was not dedicated to the role of Ukrainians in the system of staffing of the Russian Army from the end of the XIX century to the beginning of the XX century. In view of this, this article gives more detailed description of peculiarities of development of the Ukrainian officers in the system of staffing of the Russian Navy before and during First World War. It was shown the peculiarities of training of senior and junior officers in famous special military educational establishments of the Russian Empire, such as Nikolayiv Naval Academy, Sea Cadet Corps, and School of Naval Engineering. It was studied their professional qualities and talent, organizational skills for military building, which later were realized during First World War and the process of formation of the Ukrainian national military movement. It was found out that qualified officers were trained for needs of Navy in the special educational groups, functioning on the Black and Baltic Seas, in naval military classes for training of troop officers of Navy, in schools of warrant officers of Navy, nautical schools and others. It was proved that while being trained in those educational establishments the Ukrainian officers demonstrated continually their high professional qualities and talent.
Authors and Affiliations
Andriy Lozynskyi
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