United Party of the Liberation of Ukraine: creation, program principles, activities


The organizational and programmatic frameworks, forms of activity of the United Party of the Liberation of Ukraine (UPLU) are investigated. The organizational structure of UPLU is characterized, the policy documents of the dissident organization are analyzed and the their ideological direction is determined, the vision of party constitutional system of independent Ukraine is examined. The United Party of Liberation of Ukraine was established in autumn 1957 in the village P’yadyky of district of Kolomyia of Stanislav’s region, and ceased operations in December 1958. She set a goal to destroy the socialist slavery despotism, to withdraw Ukraine from the USSR to build independent sovereign nation state – Ukrainian People’s Republic, on the basis of just and democratic socialism. Initiators of UPLU were: B. Germaniuk, M. Ploschak, Ya. Tkachuk. Its members were R. Arsak, P. Hayevyi, Ja. Huculiak, M. Kozak, M. Kostyuk, F. Kostiuk, M. Maslovskyi, D. Nazaruk, O. Oleksyn, I. Strutynskyi, B. Tymkiv, Ya. Tkachuk P. Futerko, M. Yurchyk. Such persons as I. Kosar, I. Sydor, V. Todoriv, V. Turchin and M. Udud recruited in UPLU, but its members did not. The close relationship maintained with an underground group V. Ploschak. Head of the organization was B. Germaniuk, and the secretary − P. Hayevyi. UPLU had four branches in Stanislav region, namely in Stanislav, in villages Vyhoda district of Dolyna, Broshniv-Osada district of Rozhniativ and village P’yadyky district of Kolomyia.

Authors and Affiliations

Bohdan Zaiets


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  • EP ID EP196374
  • DOI 10.15421/261608
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How To Cite

Bohdan Zaiets (2016). United Party of the Liberation of Ukraine: creation, program principles, activities. Вісник Дніпропетровського університету. Серія Історія та археологія., 24(1), 58-66. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-196374