Usability Evaluation of Gesture-Based Interactions using a Smart Watch
Journal Title: Revista Romana de Interactiune Om-Calculator - Year 2019, Vol 12, Issue 1
This paper describes the testing methodology applied and the results obtained in evaluating the usability of a system for gesture recognition based on a smartwatch and a mobile phone. The data acquisition is performed using a single accelerometer with 3 axes, using an approach based on button segmentation. For our testing purposes, the system has been set up to recognize 4 arm gestures, that represent specific commands for a music player that is running on the mobile phone. This setup has also offered us the means to provide users with easy to recognize feedback on how their actions have been interpreted by the system. Inspired from real-life scenarios, our testing methodology has considered three major contexts in which the users should be able to easily interact with the system: while sitting, when walking and while running.
Authors and Affiliations
Ioana-Crinela Potinteu, Teodor Stefanut
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