Uwarunkowania kulturowe a aktywność funduszy venture capital, National culture and venture capital activity
Journal Title: Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska Sectio H Oeconomia - Year 2014, Vol 0, Issue 0
Artykuł nie zawiera abstraktu w języku polskim There were found some statistically significant relationships between many dimensions of na- tional culture and the availability of venture capital funds in a 2012 article. In this 2014 article some other dimensions of national cultures were verified if they affect the chance of getting venture capital financing. Among the analyzed culture dimensions only high level of indulgence and a monochronic attitude towards time have a positive effect on the availability of venture capital funds. However, in both cases, the effect is weak. Unfortunately, no statistical relationship was proved between the availability of venture capital funds and such culture dimensions as internal locus of control, pro-transactional attitude and low-context communication.
Authors and Affiliations
Jakub Czerniak
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