Verbalization of the concept People in Politics with the help of phraseological units of the English language
Journal Title: Science and Education a New Dimension - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 176
The given article focuses on the verbalization of the concept People in Politics with the help of phraseological units in the modern English press. Having analyzed the most serious readable British and American newspapers, the author has found 13 exam- ples of phraseological units characterizing concept People in Politics which were divided into 3 frames: a Political minority, a Politi- cal majority, People in Politics. According to the results of the analysis, we can conclude that idioms are common in political dis- course as they make the language of the press richer and emotionally coloured. We analyzed the concept, frame and phraseological unit definitions. We selected the phraseological units from the newspapers to refer to the concept of People in Politics within the English-language newspaper discourse. Also, we showed the negative and positive connotation of the idioms. Further prospects we see in the study of the idioms within the socio-political vocabulary.
Authors and Affiliations
Yu. Shtoltsel
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