In this article, the author analyzes selected aspects of two dramas of Evreinov from the émigréperiod: What has no name and Citizens of the second category. One of the principles of constructingtheir theatrical space is,...
This paper is a short history of presentation of Russian emigrant literature in Polish textbookssince the 1970s. The author emphasizes that even in the period of Marxist views the best specialistson the subject tried to...
The material to this article is based on the newest comparative dictionaries of Russian and Polish languages and also on other dictionaries, mostly explanatory dictionaries. Coloristic compa- rative constructions present...
Obrazy (z) Arkadii. Jewreinowa sceniczne wspomnienia o Rosji
In this article, the author analyzes selected aspects of two dramas of Evreinov from the émigréperiod: What has no name and Citizens of the second category. One of the principles of constructingtheir theatrical space is,...
"Слов'янський світ", Київ 1998
Литература русского зарубежья в польских учебных пособиях
This paper is a short history of presentation of Russian emigrant literature in Polish textbookssince the 1970s. The author emphasizes that even in the period of Marxist views the best specialistson the subject tried to...
"Восточнославянская литература в Великом Kняжестве Литовском. Антология", coст., автор вступ. статьи и коммент. П. Ивинский, Вильнюс 1998
Сравнительные конструкции с белый и черный в русском языке (в сопоставлении с польским biały и czarny)
The material to this article is based on the newest comparative dictionaries of Russian and Polish languages and also on other dictionaries, mostly explanatory dictionaries. Coloristic compa- rative constructions present...