Vertigo and balance disorders as initial symptom of pulmonary embolism
Journal Title: Annales Academiae Medicae Silesiensis - Year 2014, Vol 68, Issue 3
Pulmonary embolism is a condition in cardiology, constituting direct threat to life, often difficult diagnostically, with an unpredictable process. It is characterized by wide spectrum of symptoms, from slightly flagged fatigue, cough, discreet pain in the chest in a poorly symptomatic form of no massive disease, to severe dyspnoe, symptoms of shock, through to a sudden stop of blood circulation. In the article, two cases are presented of patients who were admitted to the Otolaryngology Department because of vertigo accompanied by nystagmus as the only symptoms of systemic disorders. During hospitalization the D-dimer level was significantly in excess of the accepted norm, which directed a further course of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. The authors have paid attention to the very differentiated disease etiology and the most common risk factors. They described the subsequent stages of the diagnostic process from otoneurological, audiological to internal and radiological examinations. They presented recommended methods of treatment and have stressed the necessity of long-term and meticulous follow-up in order to prevent recurrence of the disease.
Authors and Affiliations
Monika Woźniak, Ireneusz Kantor, Marzena Kubiczek-Jagielska, Maciej Jakuciński
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