Використання тонкого грохочення в умовах ПРАТ ПІВНІЧНИЙ ГЗК
Journal Title: ЗБАГАЧЕННЯ КОРИСНИХ КОПАЛИН - Year 2018, Vol 1, Issue 69
The possibility of using thin screening for production of concentrate with a mass fraction of iron is considered at least 68.0% at the sections of the Northern Mining and Processing Plant. The mass fraction of iron in the concentrate of the operated factory is 65%. This quality does not meet with the requirements of the market to commodity concentrate; therefore, we con-sidered the possibility of installation a high-frequency screen after the IV stages of magnetic sep-aration with a size grading 0.045 mm. According to the results of conducted research on the ore of the current extraction of the plant with the full incorporation of the operation of thin screening on high-frequency screens, af-ter the IV stage of magnetic separation, it is possible to produce a high-quality and competitive iron ore market concentrate with an iron content of more than 68.03%, 26.08% on yield and re-covery 50.19%. Classification sands 15.26% on the quality of 63.03% and 27.21% recovery are refined in another section with the quality of concentrate 65.5%. The yield of the concentrate is 13.74%, the total yield of the product is 39.82%, and recovery is 75.65%.
Authors and Affiliations
Tetiana Oliynyk, Л. В. Скляр, М. О. Олійник, Н. В. Кушнірук, А. Ю. Скляр, І. А. Коржан
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