The paper presents new coin finds from various places in Moldavia. The coins are mostly stray finds or they belong to hoards in some cases. They date back to the ancient, medieval and modern times and they were discovere...
The procurement and use of lithic raw material by Upper Paleolithic communities has a great potential to reveal important aspects, such as patterns of movement, economic or technologic decisions, etc. The area located be...
We continue the regular publishing of the coins found in Moldavia, by presenting several ancient and medieval coins from the collection of the Museum in Vrancea (Focșani). The coins were discovered in the following locat...
The present paper aims to bring into discussion a series of unpublished archaeological materials, found as a result of numerous field surveys carried out over several years in the site of Gănești – Tironu. Of the discove...
Activitatea știinţifică a Institutului de Arheologie din Iași în anul 2015 (The 2015 Academic Agenda of the Institute of Archaeology in Iași)
The 2015 Academic Agenda of the Institute of Archaeology in Iași
Descoperiri monetare din Moldova. X [Numismatic finds in Moldavia. X]
The paper presents new coin finds from various places in Moldavia. The coins are mostly stray finds or they belong to hoards in some cases. They date back to the ancient, medieval and modern times and they were discovere...
Matières premières locales et allogènes dans les technocomplexes lithiques de Mitoc-Malu Galben [Local and foreign raw matter in the stone assemblages of Mitoc-Malu Galben]
The procurement and use of lithic raw material by Upper Paleolithic communities has a great potential to reveal important aspects, such as patterns of movement, economic or technologic decisions, etc. The area located be...
We continue the regular publishing of the coins found in Moldavia, by presenting several ancient and medieval coins from the collection of the Museum in Vrancea (Focșani). The coins were discovered in the following locat...
Considerații preliminare referitoare la descoperirile getice din stațiunea de la Gănești – Tironu (comuna Ion Neculce, jud. Iași)
The present paper aims to bring into discussion a series of unpublished archaeological materials, found as a result of numerous field surveys carried out over several years in the site of Gănești – Tironu. Of the discove...