Витоки дискурсу поляків про Шевченка
Journal Title: Studia Polsko-Ukraińskie - Year 2014, Vol 1, Issue
The article by Stefan Kozak entitled The Origins of Polish Discourse on Shevchenko deals with the problem of the struggle for Taras Shevchenko’s legacy in the Polish literary criticism of the first half of the 1860s. L. Sowinski, B. Zaleski, S. Chodakowski, A. Gozalczynski, W Syrokola and G. Battaglia took part in the discourse on the Ukrainian poet’s output. Shevchenko’s works have been translated into Polish and published by Polish critics, among which the most important role was played by Gwidon Battaglia’s monograph entitled Taras Shevchenko, His Live and Works as well as journalistic activity of P. Swiecicki and works on Shevchenko by L. Sowinski.
Authors and Affiliations
Stefan Kozak
Latopisy Akademii Supraskiej
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