Vlianie povysennogo urovna teplovoj zascity na dolgovecnost’ trehslojnyh sten s oblicovkoj iz kirpica v usloviah Rossijskoj Federacii (Durability of Three-Layer Walls with Brick Facing with High Level of Thermal Protection)
Journal Title: Budownictwo o zoptymalizowanym potencjale energetycznym - Year 2012, Vol 2, Issue 2
This article examines possible reasons for three-layered external walls fracturing with efficient insulation of 120-150 mm thick. Exterior coating of these walls is made of brick. Comparative analysis of temperature distribution inside the walls showed that the full - depth freezing of the wall with insulation of 120 mm thick takes place when exterior temperature is under –1°C. However, the same effect on the walls with insulation of 50 mm thick occurs under exterior temperature of –3°C. Taking into account the average monthly temperature pattern, particularly in autumn, it can be considered that under the average November temperature of –2,2°C the chance of full-depth wall freezing with thicker insulation is higher than for the wall with only 50 mm of insulation. Analysis of the monthly average outdoor air temperatures and the ranges of their oscillations revealed that full-depth wall freezing with insulation of 120 mm thick takes place for 6 months, and for the same wall but with thinner insulation, that effect occurs only for 4 months. These calculations show that the thicker the insulation is, the bigger the temperature deformations and temperature stresses in the exterior brick layer are. All of it together speeds up brick veneer fracturing in the three-layered walls.
Authors and Affiliations
Nina Umnyakova
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