Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філологія - Year 2017, Vol 10, Issue 16
У статті проаналізовано значення волосся у вибраній ліриці української письменниці у Бразилії Віри Вовк. Беруться до уваги символіка, звичаї, обрядовість, вірування української, германської та інших культур. Застосовуються компаративний, ретроспективний, міфологічний, концептуальний, перекладознавчий, лінгвістичний (тезаурусний) аналіз. The article analyzes the sense of hair as symbol, mythologem, concept in the selected lyrics by the Ukrainian writer, scholar (Germanist, musicologist), PhD, educator, translator, artist, compositor, literature critic and analyst in Brazil, Vira Vovk (Vira Lidia Kateryna Selanska, German and Portuguese Wira Selanski, was born 1926, emigrated to Rio de Janeiro 1952). Her style is identified with the New York group, but it has original features. The symbolic, customs, rituals, beliefs, superstitions of the Ukrainian, German and other cultures are highlighted. The motivation for this choice is Vira Vovk’s involvement with such cultures, owing to her trips and cross-cultural exchange. The hair is analyzed as special ethnocultural and universal concepts. The verbal art as the works by Vira Vovk is compared with nonverbal, especially it is the wedding ritual by the material of the poem “The Oratory of Praise”. The main symbols are flowing hair, braided tress and beard. The last symbol is given as a detail of the folk Christianity because of Saint Onuphrius (Onoufrios) character in the icons. The Ukrainian beliefs and rites are connected with this saint man. The study discovers the visual aspect of this lyrics and the connection with expressionist German cinema. So, these texts have many implicit codes, the poems suggest associations. The Ukrainian hairstyle is analyzed through its evolution and in the Slavonic context which is opposed to the pagan Celtic one. Vira Vovk’s retrospective analysis of roots and ancestors shows interesting Montenegrin parallels of the Balkan rites devoted to tress. The Brazil context has similar features with Ukrainian features because flowing hair is characteristic of sacral persons and demonological creatures such as witches, mermaids and so on. The color of the hair as a symbolic feature in a different culture (especially blond or gold one) is described. There are Iberian (Spanish) folksongs translated by the researcher about the blond maid hair. The key detail such as the lock is paid attention to the archaic Slavonic and Sufi aspects. In particular, the article has practical value because of translation studies and linguistic (thesauruses) work in the comparative analysis with the Ghazal by the Crimean Khan Bahadyr Geray I (Rezmy) who was a Sufi and used specific symbolic in his poems. The lexems function in his lyrics as symbols. The contiguous symbol of hyacinth is analyzed, and the article proposes to compare in perspective this flower with exotic plants in the poetry by Vira Vovk. The conclusion confirms that the hair has religious and biographical senses to Vira Vovk. The research uses comparative, intermedial, mythological, conceptual, translation studies, methods of analysis.
Authors and Affiliations
Olga Smolnytska
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