Von Willebrand disease from the viewpoint of obstetrician – case studies
Journal Title: Ginekologia i Położnictwo medical project - Year 2015, Vol 1, Issue 35
Von Willebrand disease is the most common plasma hemorrhagic diathesis and at the same time one of the most common coagulation abnormality of non-obstetric origin encountered during pregnancies. The work describes the cases of two patients hospitalized during the near-birth period in the CMUJ Obstetric and Perinatology Clinic. In both cases these were full duration pregnancies that were ended by caesarian sections due to obstetric indications. The diagnosis of von Willebrand was made prior to the pregnancy – as there were serious disturbances of haemostasis – in the first case type 3, in the other type 2B. In case of the first patient the haemostasis was achieved after implementation of proper surgery preparation and post-surgical treatment. Unfortunately, although proper birth related procedures were put in place, the second patient developed the most serious complication, that is the postpartum hemorrhage, that resulted in surgical removal of the uterus. The supervision of patients with coagulation abnormalities during pregnancy, birth and childbed poses a great challenge. Proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment requires, in most cases, the individual approach and the close cooperation of the obstetrician, hematologist, anesthetist and the neonatologist. Even treatment that is performed according to the current recommendations does not guarantee a birth that would be free of complications.
Authors and Affiliations
Małgorzata Zembala-Szczerba, Hubert Huras
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