Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філософія, культурологія, соціологія - Year 2016, Vol 6, Issue 11
У статті розглянута культура суспільства як рівень розвитку суспільства, який характеризується властивими тільки певній епосі матеріальними та духовними цінностями. Кожне суспільство, період і умови його існування, створюють відповідне ідеологічне чи соціально-культурне спрямування свого розвитку, яке формує інформаційну культуру регіону (країни). The culture of society as the level of society, which is characterized by endemic to only a particular era material and spiritual values is considered in the article. Unceasingly life and its evolution provide culture of constant development, modification and transformation of forms, methods and tools. Culture is emerging, evolving, adding new values from each generation community, including in its content, combining this concept language, religion, art and science, social way of life and the level of nowadays production. Culture in the development and progress refers both to past generations, their deep spiritual, biological, historical origins, sources and traditions. It is transmitted by certain characters that form the information sector, which somehow corresponds to a level of culture and creates information culture. Information area provides the opportunity to use the full scope of national cultural achievements in their free synthesis, in the spiritual unity and organic correlation traditions, which is a source of natural, original, free development of national culture, the foundation of prosperity and progress, and these are the basis and full share of human culture. The concept of “information culture” describes one segment of culture that is associated with the informational aspect of community life. The role of this segment in the information society is growing, and today a set of information that is flowing around each person is so large, varied and extensive that it requires knowledge of the laws of the information environment and the ability to navigate the information flows. Otherwise people will not be able to adapt to life in a new environment, in particular, to changes in social structures, which may result in a significant increase in the number of employees in the field of information and services. Historical development, acculturation and deculturation take place in shaping the socio - cultural environment. After all, a community that consists of indigenous people, or in other words, a community which has common ethno-national roots, creates a dominant culture, to which all others have to adapt. Therefore, every society, period and conditions of existence, create the appropriate ideological or socio - cultural orientation of its development, which forms information culture of the region (country).
Authors and Affiliations
Bogdan Slyuschynskyi
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