VR w edukacji - subiektywny przegląd możliwości
Journal Title: e-mentor - Year 2019, Vol 79, Issue 2
The article presents a subjective review of the possibilities of using virtual reality in the educational process. The author refers to the results of research showing several benefits that the use of virtual reality brings into didactics, proving its role as a tool which enables the creation of engaging and innovative educational experiences. An attempt was made to define the concept of virtual reality, outline its historical and developmental features, and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using virtual reality in education. Also described are examples of VR implementations at Polish universities as well as selected existing applications and hardware. The article ends with a short forecast, which indicates that VR can only be an introduction to a much more advanced augmented reality, the use of which in education can contribute to achieving unimaginable educational results.
Authors and Affiliations
Katarzyna Mikołajczyk
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