W sprawie momentu wygaśnięcia mandatu posła, który w trakcie kadencji został mianowany na stanowisko ambasadora
Journal Title: PRZEGLĄD SEJMOWY - Year 2018, Vol 148, Issue 5
The opinion refers to the moment of the expiry of a mandate of a Deputy nominated for the position of an ambassador during the term. The function of an ambassador is incompatible with the Deputy’s mandate on the basis of Article 103 para. 1 of the Constitution. Importantly, the prohibition does not refer to taking the function and its actual performance, but to the change of a legal status of a person vested with the function. As regards the offices listed in the provision, Article 247 para. 1 item 6 of the Electoral Code shall be applied, which is the legal basis for ex lege expiry of a Deputy’s mandate. Against Article 103 para. 1 of the Constitution thus understood and the provisions of the Electoral Code, it is essential to specify the moment of entrusting the function, i.e. acquiring the status of an ambassador.
Authors and Affiliations
Ewelina Gierach
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