What does the rule of law mean - Explaining the definition based on examples of personal commitment to the Rule of Law
Journal Title: Przegląd Prawniczy Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 1
The article explains the definition based on examples of personal commitment to the Rule of Law. I try to analyze and explain signifi- cant meaning of ‘The Rule of Law’ in various concepts such as: focus of characters from the movie ‘High Moon’, like Marshal Kane, and the American Gl’s in the Battle of Athens and also Antigone by Sophocles, because all of their’s actions can be reconciled with the Rule of Law cul- ture. But in order to understand fully what the rule of law means, we have to compare concepts and jurisprudence. The Rule of Law is also called an expression of the relationship between an individual and a state. We have to remember that cultural norms create law, because of that fact we have different conceptions of the rule of law. I In order to give the best and most precise answer, we must define what we understand by the Rule of Law beginning with the Greeks conception and using a story which help us to understand different legal system.
Authors and Affiliations
Wanda Sielewicz
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